Saturday, June 27, 2009
me n p
Posted by Kara at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
facing my fear
ok, so i have this thing about moustaches. they scare me a little. i have no idea why i have this aversion, but i blame it on too much magnum pi. interestingly enough, my friend joey has a thing for moustaches. i think deep down she probably believes everyone looks better with a moustache. so when i saw this dispenser, i was beside myself to have one of these. i couldn't wait to show it to joey. this would be a good way to have fun with my fear ;-) i found a quarter in the bottom of my was meant to be! so i put my quarter in & turned the knob anticipating WHICH moustache would be bestowed up on me, would it be the handlebar? or maybe the waiter?? ...and nothing. no moustache. so i ran to an employee exclaiming (yes, i was really 'exclaiming'-i can think of no better word to describe it), "that moustache machine ate my quarter & i have got to have one of those!" to my dismay, i was told the machine was broken. no moustache for me.
Posted by Kara at 9:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
benningfield brothers
mess with one of gotta deal with all of us.
hayden, brady & jackson
with mom
when all else fails...put em in a headlock
Posted by Kara at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
leavin las vegas
my very favorite thing about las vegas was seeing the Cirque du Soleil show, "LOVE". i have always liked the beatles...but this show gave me a whole new appreciation. it was SO visually AND musically stimulating. i wish i could see it again! it's one of those things i think you could go see 4 or 5 times & each time see something you didn't see the time before. any cirque, i'm sure is amazing. i had seen one other one previously & loved it as well, but this one just took it to another level. if you get a chance ever, SEE IT! it is worth every penny & then some.
it almost felt like falling in love...i will definitely be rocking the beatles for inspiration. this is one of my very favorites. how can it not give us all just a little hope ;-)
paul & i...typical tourists
Posted by Kara at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
happy birthday hadley...let there be CAKE
little hadley was such a happy baby! her pictures were to celebrate her first birthday and i was thrilled that we had a cupcake to commemorate it :-) her parents, jason & heather are two of the sweetest people. it was a joy to take photos for them today!
the birthday cupcake
maybe let's give it a little taste...
oh YAY cupcake!
Posted by Kara at 1:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
i'm always a sucker for a redhead
i am in such a different mode when i am shooting, mentally. i am thinking thinking thinking. there is so much going on with kids & light & angles & crazed spitting geese at this particular session, lol. damned geese are MEAN! but i always want to rush home & download & see exactly what i've got. i cannot wait to see the images.
i am seriously more excited than probably the clients are to see them. with sophia & piper, i knew i had some good pics, but when i got home & could really look at them, i realized i had several great pics of both of them. *sigh of relief* i honestly put alot of pressure on myself to take photographs that i am truly happy with & excited about. photos that when i see them, i know how much the picture would mean to me if it was MY child. it seems weird to say it like that, but photography is really subjective & everyone likes different things. the best i can do is give someone something that i love. i hope their momma melissa, loves these as much as i do.

ps-if you click on the images you can see them larger!
Posted by Kara at 11:03 PM 0 comments