Wednesday, June 29, 2011

good friends

this is my dear friend dan holding vivian...she LOVED his
hat. she's wearing the beatles onesie he got her. he wants
to get this girl started on the classics from the jump. i love
how they're looking at each other. just a sweet moment.

Monday, June 20, 2011

my vivi is 6 months

with the daddy on father's day :-)

Monday, June 13, 2011


i love this. i photographed a group of girls who've been long

time friends, with their children. of course when you're

photographing a group this size with this many little ones,

you can pretty much expect it will be hard to rope all the

kids into looking at the camera at the same time. but that's

always fine with's more realistic & adds to the dynamic

of the photo :-)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

summa summa

well so far summer is so hot, it's ruining my photography appointments! little ones do not do well in 90 degree weather, so i've been forced to postpone several appointments until it cools down some. it bums me out, but i'd much rather wait until the weather is conducive to getting some great shots.

until then, i will be happy photographing the subject i have on hand. today we fed viv baby food for the first time. sweet potatoes to be exact. you can tell from the photo how it went! so tomorrow we are going to give carrots a go.