Sunday, March 21, 2010


i stopped at my brother's today & picked up my camera for the first time in awhile. i haven't been feeling terribly inspired the past few months. i am hoping the warmer weather gets the creative juices flowin...but i think this was a great little start to getting re-inspired. this is my nephew & brother. grey is such a dollbaby! and i'm not just saying that as a proud aunt (although i am). he's happy as a little lark & giggles all the time. there is no sweeter sound than a baby laughing.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


i went to the zoo with my friend kari &
her kiddos...snapped a few pics :-)

Friday, March 5, 2010

gettin that itch...

yay it's finally SUNNY in kentucky & all this warmth & sunshine is getting me pumped for spring shoots! be prepared, i will be posting my new sessions to the blog as they come :-)