Tuesday, August 25, 2009

blog neglect

i feel like i haven't been writing on here as much as i intended to initially. i go through phases with it & i need to be conscious of continuing to add to this site. even if there are only 3 of you who read it, lol!

personally, i've had a run of bad luck over the past few weeks, but times...they are a changin. and the only way you can go from down is up. sometimes, it's just hard not to lose faith in people. just so happens, my faith is strong & it always comes back around :-)

i found out today my elbow IS still broken, luckily it has been healing well on it's own & hasn't shifted. this is my shootin arm so it's def important stuff. thankfully it's no longer painful as much as it is bothersome. bothersome i can handle.

professionally, i've got a couple of new projects i am working on that i'm pretty excited about...details to come :-)

i recently discovered this quote & i'm madly in love with it...maybe it's because even though i consider myself a realist...at heart i'm just a dreamer...

"Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world." - Oscar Wilde