Tuesday, December 6, 2011

day #2

what i wore today. well, i wore sweatpants & a thermal shirt. not a terribly exiting ensemble to photograph. & i was determined not to fudge on my outfit. so i took a picture of my uggs. i wear these at some point EVERY day. these are one of four pairs of uggs that i have at the moment & this pair is probably on it's last legs. i'm kinda sad about it...i bought these while i was pregnant because my feet were so swollen that my other ones were all too tight. before i got these i tried some 'fuggs' for the first time ever, because it was hard to justify spending so much money on a pair i figured (& hoped!) wouldn't fit me after i had the baby. but the fake uggs aka fuggs were just not even remotely the same. knocked up & swollen...i just wanted something to feel good on my feet! once i had these, they were all i wore for months. now they are loose & worn, but they served their purpose well. 

my name is kara & i am an ugg-a-holic.