Saturday, December 10, 2011

random extra shot thrown in

i got a new lens today! nothing fancy, but i have been wanting a fixed lens-so when it came this afternoon, i had to try it out right away. and luckily it was lunch time when it was you can tell from the photo, vivi was enjoying her black beans & carrots.


Unknown said...

what kind of lens did you get?

Kara said...

just a little 50mm but my other lens is so huge-i love it. & it shoots beautifully. kicking myself for not getting one sooner!

Unknown said...

oh YEAH!! i love the 50mm... it's by far the majority used - anytime i need to open up and i have to put that big ol' 18-150 on... it's like lifting weights! lol but the sharpness on the 50 is awesome i got mine used from a louisville photog who lives in cali now he is on LPC which is where i found the lens i think i had my camera less than a month when i got my hands on this lens and its only been off since then a hand full of times.