Saturday, May 23, 2009

more implications...

i love kylie's (aka my little moster)
sweet face in this photo.

i am feeling better & better about how my first attempt at an artistic shoot went. at first i was really unsettled because it was so chaotic & so much seemed to work against me on getting to the shoot! but as i go back & edit the photos more & more, i am finding more love for them. i loved my model, she was exactly who i wanted for this session. jessi has such a fabulous face! i am crazy about the unique look she has. that was another reason i had a hard time pinpointing exactly why i didn't get what was in my mind, executed perfectly. something just seemed amiss. and finally, after studying the pics for several days, i realized it was part of her wardrobe i didn't like. and i had i not been extremely pressed for time, i probably would have realized it that day & changed it. i wish she had on a full flowing skirt, but because of time constraints that day, i couldn't deviate from what i had for her. now i realize that i need to allow more time for these kinds of last minute decisions. hopefully it will make me more prepared for the next session...which i'm already planning :-)